Syringoma Under Eye: Causes and Treatment Options

Looking in the mirror, you spot a tiny, flesh-colored bump on your eyelid. Your heart drops. This might be a syringoma. They are common, harmless skin growths that many face. If you’re dealing with syringomas near your eyes, you’re not alone.

This condition, while frustrating, does have solutions. Understanding it and knowing your treatment options can help. This way, you can feel better about your skin and your look.

Key Takeaways

  • Syringomas are small, benign growths that develop from overactive sweat glands, often appearing around the eyes, neck, and other areas.
  • Certain factors, such as genetics, hormonal changes, and medical conditions, can increase the risk of developing syringomas1.
  • Syringomas around the eyes are a common concern and can be effectively treated through various dermatological procedures2.
  • Maintaining skin health, managing stress, and seeking professional advice can help prevent and manage syringomas1.
  • While syringomas may reappear after treatment, there are effective ways to address this condition and reduce its impact on your appearance3.

What is a Syringoma?

Definition and Characteristics

A syringoma is a small, non-cancerous skin growth. It’s from too many cells in the sweat glands4. These growths show up as 1-3 mm wide bumps. They can be yellow, brown, pale pink, or match the skin’s color4. They often show up the same on both sides of the body4.

They are a kind of benign tumor. Found mostly near the eyes. But they can also show up near genitals, and less often on the chest, neck, and belly4. You see them as many tiny lumps, no bigger than 3 mm. They are seen more in women, especially during or after teenage years4.

People of Asian descent and those with darker skin get these more4. If inherited, they come when kids are still young. But people with Down syndrome can get them later4. Doctors mostly identify these by how they look. But sometimes a biopsy is needed to be sure what they are4.

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Syringoma Locations

Syringomas are small, harmless skin growths that show up in different places on the body. They are usually found near the lower eyelids, forming groups of 2 to 4 mm skin bumps5. These growths can also pop up where there are sweat glands. This includes the neck, upper cheeks, and more564.

Some people get a type of syringoma where many bumps appear together. This can happen in childhood or early adult life, most often on the shoulder or around the armpits5. While most syringomas come alone, sometimes they are linked to health conditions like Down’s syndrome or diabetes5.

It’s very rare for syringomas to become cancerous. But, it’s still important to see a skin doctor for the right check-up and care5. Wherever they are, syringomas look like small, skin-colored bumps, usually in even groups on both sides of the body or face64.

In the end, syringomas can show up in many places but are often found near the eyes and around the neck. Knowing where they usually grow can help you spot them early and get proper help for any skin issues564.

Syringoma and Sweat Glands

Syringomas are small growths that appear around the eyes. They are not harmful. These growths are connected to the skin’s sweat glands and ducts. They happen when the cells on the surface of the skin start to grow too much. This creates small lumps called syringomas4. The reason behind this is the sweat glands and ducts working too hard4.

How Syringomas Form

Syringomas begin where sweat is carried out of glands through tiny tubes to the skin. In people with syringomas, these tubes sometimes grow too many cells. This causes small, bump-like growths to form around the eyes especially4. They can also appear on the chest or stomach in some cases4.

The exact cause of this overgrowth isn’t completely known. But, certain things can make it more likely. These include genetic factors and some specific health conditions. For instance, diabetes or syndromes like Down syndrome could play a part6.

Syringomas show up more in women after they become adults4. They’re also found more in people with Asian or darker skin. You see them as small, flesh-colored or yellow lumps in groups on the face or body6.

“Syringomas are small benign tumors typically found on the upper cheeks and lower eyelids, but can also occur in other areas of the body such as the chest, abdomen, or genitals.”6

Syringoma Under Eye

Syringomas are small, skin-colored bumps that often show up around the eye area, even under the eyes and on the eyelids4. They’re tiny, measuring between 1 to 3 mm and sometimes appear yellowish. This can happen more in those with darker skin4. They might not cause pain, but they can make you feel uneasy about your looks, especially if they are noticeable. Because they are close to the eye, there’s a bigger chance they might get irritated or cause eye injury4.

They show up more in women, usually during or post-adolescence. The area around the eyes is their favorite spot4. Most times, they don’t itch. But if you sweat a lot, they might start to4. These bumps are seen more in Asians and people with darker skin4. Medical conditions like Brooke-Spiegler syndrome and Down syndrome can also cause them to appear4.

For treating syringomas under the eyes, there are a few options. Laser treatment, using CO2 and erbium lasers, is a top pick. Recovery can take 5 to 14 days4. If the bumps are only in one area, the doctor might suggest surgery. But, this choice might not be safe for those with darker skin because it could change their skin color4. It’s good to know they might come back after treatment, so you might need follow-up treatments4.

Treatment Option Details
Laser Treatment
  • Fully ablative or fractional ablative devices like CO2 and erbium lasers
  • Healing time: 5-14 days
Excision (Surgical Removal)
  • Recommended for localized syringomas in a small area
  • Caution advised in darker skin types to prevent pigment changes
Recurrence Rate
  • High recurrence rates, necessitating potential maintenance treatments

Syringomas under the eyes or on the eyelids should be taken seriously. But, with the right attention from a doctor and treatment, you can feel better about how you look4.It’s all about knowing the facts about syringomas and what you can do about them. This way, you can make smart choices and deal with this issue well4.

Who is at Risk for Syringomas?

Syringomas are tiny, benign bumps that form around the eyes. They affect a wide range of people. But, some are more likely to get them7. Women, especially of Japanese background, are at higher risk8. The age group from 25 to 40 and those with conditions like Down syndrome face a higher risk too8.

Fair-skinned people and those over 40 might also develop syringomas6. These bumps often start showing in early adulthood but can appear later as well6. Notably, some people get several bumps at once, mainly on the chest or abdomen6.

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Genetics seem to be a key player in syringoma development. This is more obvious in cases where family members also have them8. Changing hormones, skin injuries, and some health conditions can up the risk as well8.

If you are in any of these high-risk groups, stay aware. Keep an eye on your skin and don’t delay visiting a dermatologist if you see any new or unusual bumps8. Proper care and treatment can help you manage syringomas and keep your skin healthy and clear.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Syringomas are small, firm, round growths on the skin, usually 1-3 millimeters in size6. They form in groups and can be different colors, matching the skin’s tone6. Most syringomas cause no symptoms. But, some people might feel a bit itchy, see redness, or feel uncomfortable, especially when they sweat6.

Signs and Indicators

These growths often start in young adulthood but can appear at any time in life6. They are found most often in middle-aged women and those with darker skin9. Syringomas can show up in even clusters on the face, arms, or elsewhere, and may look the same on both sides. Eruptive syringoma is a condition that creates even more bumps on the chest or stomach6.

A dermatologist can see if you have syringomas just by looking at your skin9. Sometimes, a skin sample (biopsy) is needed to make sure. This is because it’s sometimes hard to tell syringomas from other skin issues9. Special tests, like dermoscopy, are used at times to help identify syringomas9.

Knowing how syringomas look helps doctors find and treat them right6. A skilled dermatologist can help you with this common skin issue968.

Treatment Options for Syringomas

If you have been diagnosed with syringomas, you may wonder about treatment options. Luckily, there are various ways to address these small, benign growths10.

Surgical Treatments

Surgical methods can be the best to get rid of syringomas or make them less visible. Options like laser therapy, electrosurgery, and dermabrasion aim to destroy the growths. Others, including cryotherapy and dermabrasion, remove the skin layers where syringomas are6.

You can also choose surgical excision, meaning cutting them out. This method has the highest scarring risk. Choosing a skilled oculoplastic surgeon like Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir can mean less scarring and a quicker recovery10.

Non-Surgical Treatments

For a less invasive choice, topical treatments are available. Retinoids like tretinoin or adapalene, and chemical exfoliants can shrink and fade syringomas over time. It’s vital to know these methods might not work for everyone, and some may cause scarring8.So, talking with a qualified dermatologist or oculoplastic surgeon is key to find the right option for you10.

“A skilled hand and experience with lower eyelids are required to successfully remove syringomas without causing excessive damage to the delicate tissue around the eye.” – Dr. Kenneth Steinsapir, Board-Certified Oculoplastic Surgeon

Treatment Method Description Scarring Risk
Laser Therapy Uses targeted energy to destroy syringomas Low
Electrosurgery Involves burning the growths using an electrical charge Moderate
Cryotherapy Freezes the syringomas with liquid nitrogen Moderate
Dermabrasion Removes the top layers of skin where syringomas form Moderate
Surgical Excision Manual removal of syringomas using scalpels or other instruments High
Topical Retinoids Reduce the size and visibility of syringomas over time Low
Chemical Exfoliants Help slough off the top layers of skin where syringomas form Low

Choosing the best treatment involves looking at your own situation closely. Working with a qualified healthcare provider is essential to find what’s right for you6108.

Prevention and Risk Reduction

There isn’t a sure way to avoid getting syringomas, but you can lower your risk. Good skin care is key. This includes regular exfoliation11 and applying sunscreen12. Keeping away from skin irritants and managing health issues like excessive sweating or diabetes12 also help.

Botulinum toxin injections and CO2 laser therapy are a promising way to stop and treat new syringomas. Study in 2016 showed this treatment worked well12.

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Once syringomas are removed, they’re unlikely to come back. But, there might be scarring or infection risks after they’re taken out12. Doctors can treat syringomas using methods like advanced electrolysis, laser surgery, plasma fibroblast, surgical excision, acid peels, and retinoids exfoliates12.

  • Wearing sunscreen daily can shield your skin from the sun’s harm12
  • Gently exfoliating often helps remove dead skin cells11
  • Avoiding skin irritants is important to prevent syringomas
  • Keeping your blood sugar levels stable helps if you have diabetes12
  • Thinking about botulinum toxin injections might be a good idea for syringoma prevention12

Being proactive can lower your risk and help manage syringomas if they appear. While syringomas are usually harmless, talking to a dermatologist is wise for personalized advice and treatment options12911.

Living with Syringomas

Living with syringomas can be tough. These little skin bumps are common among Asian skin types. They affect about 1% of people. More women than men get syringomas13. They don’t usually hurt, but they can be a big worry for your looks.

You might cover them with makeup or clothes to feel better every day14. Or, think about treatments like surgery, chemical peels, or laser removal. These can help make them less noticeable13.

It’s vital to stay positive if you have syringomas. Getting help from doctors or friends can make a big difference14. They might give you advice like keeping out of the sun after treatments to avoid skin color changes.

The way syringomas make you feel is different for everyone. But with the right help and a positive attitude, you can deal with it. You can feel good about yourself and your features.

“The professionalism of the staff at the clinic was outstanding, and the Botox and filler treatments they provided gave me natural-looking results that I’m very happy with.”14


Syringomas are small bumps under the eye and in other areas. They happen when sweat gland cells grow too much15. While not harmful, they can bother someone’s looks. Luckily, there are ways to treat them without surgery16. Knowing about syringomas and their treatment helps you and your doctor deal with them. This way, you can look and feel better without worrying about them coming back.

Syringomas are often seen near the eyes and neck, or in places like the armpits and genitalia16. They affect more women, young adults, and those with health issues such as Down syndrome or diabetes16. Keeping your skin healthy with good habits, visiting the doctor regularly, and using sunscreen can reduce syringomas and their chance of coming back16.

To wrap up, syringomas are a treatable skin issue. Knowing their causes and how to treat them lets you work with your doctor. This way, you can improve your skin’s look. Plus, keeping up with your skin’s well-being and using smart skincare can help a lot. It cuts down on syringomas and keeps new ones from forming.

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What are syringomas?

Syringomas are tiny, harmless bumps. They come from an overgrowth of sweat gland cells in the skin. You’ll usually find them around the eyes, neck, and other parts of the body.

Where do syringomas typically appear?

Syringomas may grow anywhere sweat glands exist on your body. They often show up on the neck, upper cheeks, and around the lower eyelids. You might also see them on the abdomen, armpits, scalp, belly button, and genital areas sometimes.

What causes syringomas?

They start as cells in the skin’s sweat ducts or glands grow too much. This leads to the formation of small tumors. The process of sweat glands and ducts becoming too active causes it.

Who is at risk of developing syringomas?

Some people are more likely to get syringomas. This includes women and those aged 25-40. Others at risk have conditions like Down syndrome or diabetes. People over 40 with fair skin are also more prone.

What are the symptoms of syringomas?

Syringomas show up as small, firm bumps that can be yellow, brown, or pale pink. They might match your skin. They can cause itchiness, redness, or pain for some, especially when sweating.

How are syringomas treated?

Doctors have many ways to treat syringomas. They can use lasers, surgery, cryotherapy, and peeling techniques. Some non-surgical options are also available, like using certain creams or medications.

Can syringomas be prevented?

You can’t always stop syringomas from forming. But, keeping your skin clean, using sunscreen, and avoiding things that irritate it might reduce your risk. Managing conditions like excessive sweating or diabetes could also be helpful.

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