Scabies Soap: Effective Treatment for Skin Infestations

Looking at your red, itchy skin, you feel the discomfort of scabies. This skin infection, from the Sarcoptes scabiei mites, spreads fast through touch or sharing items. You feel trapped and just want the itchiness to stop. Yet, the answer might be in scabies soap.

Scabies soap is made with ingredients like sulfur, permethrin, or tea tree oil. It’s great to use with other treatments. These soaps kill the mites and their eggs. They also help ease the terrible itch and irritation. Adding scabies soap to your daily care can really help. It lets you feel in charge of your skin health again.

Doctors usually recommend special scabies medicine. But, over-the-counter scabies soap has helped some people fight back. It’s important to know how to use these soaps properly. This can be a good step to stop the mites from spreading.


Key Takeaways

  • Scabies is a highly contagious parasitic skin infection caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites
  • Prescription scabicides are the primary medical treatment, but some people find relief using over-the-counter scabies soap
  • Scabies soap typically contains active ingredients like sulfur, permethrin, or tea tree oil to help eliminate mites and soothe skin irritation
  • Using scabies soap as part of a comprehensive treatment plan may provide relief and prevent the further spread of the infestation
  • Proper usage and understanding of scabies soap is key to effectively treating this persistent skin condition

What is Scabies?

Scabies is a skin condition caused by tiny parasitic mites. These are known as Sarcoptes scabiei. They dig into the skin’s upper layer and lay eggs, leading to a very itchy rash. You can get scabies from direct skin-to-skin contact with someone who has it. Or by using the same contaminated items like clothes, bedding, or towels.

Causes of Scabies

The cause of scabies is the microscopic mite Sarcoptes scabiei. It lives on the outer skin layer. These mites spread through close personal contact or by sharing infested items.

Symptoms of Scabies

Scabies shows up as a very itchy rash. It looks like small, red bumps or blisters. This rash is found on areas such as the wrist, elbow, and armpit. The itching is worse at night. You might also see small, wavy burrows on the skin.

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Prescription Scabies Treatments

Scabies is fought with special medicines called scabicides. These attack the mites and their eggs. Some common medicines prescribed are:

Elimite (Permethrin Cream)

Elimite uses permethrin cream 5%, which is very effective. It’s a synthetic insecticide, killing mites and eggs. Safe for anyone over 2 months old.

Eurax (Crotamiton)

Eurax, with crotamiton, comes as a cream or lotion. It paralyzes then kills mites. It also eases the bad itching scabies cause.

Sulfur Ointment

Sulfur ointment is a long-standing scabies treatment. It kills mites and calms the skin. Often used along with other medicines.

Lindane Lotion

Lindane lotion was once used for scabies but isn’t recommended anymore. This is because it could have bad effects on the brain, especially in kids.

Stromectol (Ivermectin)

Ivermectin, also known as Stromectol, is a powerful oral medicine against scabies. Usually, two doses a week apart are enough.

Benzyl Benzoate

Benzyl benzoate is applied directly on the skin. This scabicide is used when other medicines don’t work well.

Always listen carefully to your doctor’s advice on how to use these scabies medicines. The right application and timing are key. They help get rid of the mites and stop scabies from coming back.

Over-the-Counter Scabies Treatments

Although the FDA hasn’t approved OTC scabies treatments, some find relief with them. They may help alongside prescribed scabicides to ease symptoms and fight the infestation.

Nix (Permethrin)

Nix, which has 1% permethrin, mostly treats head lice. It might not be strong enough for scabies, which needs at least 5% permethrin. Nix falls short as it only has 1% of the needed amount.

Sulfur Soaps and Creams

SOaps and creams with 6 to 10% sulfur can complement prescribed treatments. Sulfur kills scabies mites and eases the rash. Doctors often suggest using these with prescribed scabicides.

Calamine Lotion

Calamine lotion can soothe the itchy scabies rash. It doesn’t kill mites but helps with discomfort and irritation.


Oral antihistamines can control the itching from scabies. They’re OTC and lessen the need to scratch, reducing skin irritation and limiting the infestation’s spread.

These OTC scabies treatments might ease the symptoms. But, they’re not okayed by health regulatory agencies for scabies treatment. For the best help with a scabies outbreak, see a healthcare professional for a prescribed plan.

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scabies soap

Scabies soap is a special kind of soap that helps treat scabies mites. These bugs get into the skin, causing a very itchy rash. This soap has strong ingredients that kill the mites and calm the skin.

Ingredients in Scabies Soap

The main ingredients in scabies soap are:

  • Sulfur – Sulfur is great against scabies. It kills the mites by blocking their air. The soap has about 10% sulfur for a strong effect.
  • Tea Tree Oil – Tea tree oil is known for keeping things clean and helping with swelling. It makes the affected skin feel better.
  • Lavender Oil – Lavender’s smell relaxes and its germ-killing power helps fight the mites.
  • Coconut Oil – Coconut oil is soft and keeps your skin from getting too dry with all the other powerful ingredients around.

How to Use Scabies Soap

To use this soap against scabies, wash your whole body, even your head, twice a day for 4 to 10 days. Focus on body parts where the mites bury, like hands and feet.

Rinse well after using the soap, then dry with a soft towel. Using a moisturizer can help keep your skin healthy. Also, wash all clothes and bedding in hot water to kill any mites left.

If scabies symptoms don’t go away, see a doctor. They will guide you on how to stop the mites and keep others safe.

Home Remedies for Scabies

Along with using medicines, you can try a few home remedies to ditch scabies. These tricks aim to fight the mites, calm your skin, and stop them from coming back.

Disinfecting Surfaces

Start by cleaning everything the infested person may have touched. Use hot water to wash bedding, clothes, and towels to at least 122°F or 50°C. Put them in the dryer on high heat. Then, vacuum your floors and furniture. Finally, wipe hard surfaces with a mix of water and bleach or tea tree oil.

Washing Clothes and Linens

It’s key to wash all clothes and bedding used by the infested person. Use hot, soapy water and a hot dryer. This process kills any mites and eggs. Don’t forget to wash everyone’s stuff in the house, even those without symptoms. This step helps stop the mites from spreading back to you.

Treating Pets

Your pets need care too to keep scabies mites away from you. Ask your vet for treatments to use on your pets, like special shampoos or dips. Regular brushing of your pets will also get rid of mites or eggs on their fur.

Deep Cleaning Carpets and Mattresses

Make sure to deeply clean your carpets, rugs, and mattresses. A strong vacuum with a HEPA filter is great for floors and other surfaces. Follow that up with steam cleaning. Or, use a borax solution to get rid of mites. For mattresses, baking soda or diatomaceous earth can be sprinkled before vacuuming. This dries out and kills mites inside.

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Preventing Scabies Infestation

To stop scabies from spreading, avoiding close contact is key. Try not to touch people who might have it. This means staying away from crowded spots where you might bump into others.

If someone in your home has scabies, treat everyone living there. This includes your family, friends, and anyone who helps out. Treating everyone helps kill the mites and stops them from coming back.

Taking care of personal hygiene matters a lot. Wash your clothes, bedding, and towels often with hot water. This kills any mites or eggs. Also, taking regular baths and not sharing personal items lowers your scabies risk.

Following these steps can really make a difference. You can lower the chances of getting scabies and keep your family safe from it.

Scabies in Specific Populations

Scabies can happen to anyone but hits some groups harder. Infants, children, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems face bigger risks. It’s essential to know the signs in these groups. This helps give the right treatment and stop it from spreading.

Scabies in Infants and Children

Children in poor places are more likely to get scabies. Around 5-50% of these kids can be affected. They might show more signs, like lots of marks from scratching or sores. Infants may not itch as much, which can make it harder to spot early. But, it’s crucial to find and treat it fast.

Scabies in Older Adults

Scabies is a big issue for the older population, especially in care homes. They may get a type called bullous scabies, which makes big itchy blisters. Some might face crusted scabies, a very severe type that spreads easily. These are more common with age or if someone’s immune system is weak.

Scabies and Compromised Immune Systems

Those with health issues like HIV, leukemia, or lymphoma might get a severe scabies type. This type, called crusted scabies, is when mites multiply quickly, causing a thick, scaly rash. For these people, treating scabies requires many experts working together. Dermatologists, infection specialists, and primary doctors join forces.

Other Types of Lice Infestations

Lice infestations can come from various sources. Scabies is from tiny mites, while head lice, pubic lice, and body lice are types of lice. It’s key to know the difference for the right treatment.

Head Lice

Head lice are most common. They live in your hair and scalp. You can get them from touching heads with someone who has lice, or by sharing personal items. Using some treatments can be hard, especially because they might affect kids’ brains. But, there are good prescription medicines that kill the lice and their eggs more effectively.

Pubic Lice

Pubic lice, also called crabs, live in the pubic hair. You usually get them from close, intimate contact. They can also spread by sharing stuff like bedding. A doctor can prescribe Permethrin cream 5% (Elimite) to get rid of them.

Body Lice

Body lice live in clothing and bedding. They also feed on human blood. They’re more of a problem in places with bad hygiene and lots of people. To get rid of them, wash your clothes in hot water and take hot baths. Using treatments like Permethrin cream 5% can also help.

Lice infestations might be getting more common because they’re starting to resist treatments. If you get lice, it’s best to see a doctor. They can help you treat the lice right and stop them from spreading.

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When to See a Doctor

If you think you have scabies, see a doctor fast. This is especially true if you see any signs of skin infection, feel bad itching and pain, or if what you’ve done at home hasn’t worked. Scabies can cause new skin infections if you don’t treat it. You need a doctor to figure out the problem and give you the right care.

Signs of Skin Infection

Worry if you see your skin getting red, swollen, or with pus. Or if you have a fever. These could mean scabies has caused another infection. You’ll need to see a doctor quickly for this and they might give you antibiotics.

Severe Itching and Discomfort

Scabies makes you itch a lot. It can get so bad that you can’t sleep or do your normal things. If the itch doesn’t go away with store-bought stuff, see a doctor. They can give you stronger medicine or other care to help you feel better.

Unsuccessful Home Treatments

Sometimes, stuff like scabies soap helps a little but doesn’t solve the problem. If what you’ve tried at home isn’t working, don’t wait. It’s important to get professional help to get rid of the mites. This also stops scabies from getting worse or spreading to others.


Scabies is a contagious skin problem. It’s caused by tiny mites. It can hurt your health and life quality a lot. The best treatment is prescribed medicine. But over-the-counter solutions, like scabies soap, can also help. They reduce the problem but may not cure it fully.

To protect yourself and others, know about scabies. Learn its causes, signs, and how to treat it. Keeping clean and avoiding close contact can help. Also, treat everyone at home if one person gets scabies. This stops it from spreading.

If you think you have scabies, see a doctor. They can confirm and suggest the right treatment. With early and proper care, you can control scabies. Then, you’ll feel better and worry less.

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What is scabies?

Scabies is a skin infection caused by tiny mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites burrow into your skin and lay eggs. This makes the skin extremely itchy.

How does scabies spread?

Scabies spreads easily through direct skin contact. It can also spread by sharing things like clothes or bedding.

What are the standard treatments for scabies?

The usual treatment for scabies is to use a special medicine to kill the mites and their eggs.

Can over-the-counter options like scabies soap be effective?

Some say over-the-counter scabies soap works. It often contains ingredients such as sulfur or tea tree oil. These help get rid of the mites and calm itchy skin.

What are the key ingredients in scabies soap?

Scabies soap usually has sulfur, permethrin, or tea tree oil. These ingredients are good at clearing the mites and eggs.

How can I use scabies soap effectively?

Using this soap with other treatments can be a good plan. It may ease symptoms and prevent scabies from spreading further.

What home remedies can help eliminate scabies?

Alongside medical treatments, home remedies are also useful. Things like cleaning surfaces, washing clothes, and looking after pets can all help.

How can I prevent the spread of scabies?

To stop scabies from spreading, avoid skin contact with infected persons. Make sure to treat everyone in your home and keep up with good hygiene.

Are there any special considerations for certain populations with scabies?

Scabies can affect anyone, but it’s more risky for some groups. This includes babies, children, seniors, and those with weak immune systems.

How do scabies differ from other types of lice infestations?

Scabies are from mites, while lice are insects that also infest. These include head lice, pubic lice, and body lice.

When should I see a doctor for scabies?

If you think you have scabies, see a doctor, especially if the itching is severe. Or, if you see signs of skin infection, or if basic treatments don’t work.

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