Melasma in Males: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Picture looking into the mirror and seeing an uneven, discolored face looking back. This is the daily battle for many men with melasma. It’s a common skin condition that deeply affects self-confidence and quality of life. For a long time, melasma was known as mainly a woman’s struggle. But the reality is, it impacts people of all genders, making it time to talk about the challenges and treatment for men.

Melasma is seen more in women and those with dark skin tones, like Hispanics and African Americans, living in sunny places. While men get it less, its effect on their lives matches what women feel. Surprisingly, there’s a lack of research on how to treat this in men specifically.1

This detailed article looks into what causes melasma in men, its symptoms, and how to treat it. Our mission is to arm you with the know-how to manage this condition and boost your self-assurance. If you’re worried about your skin’s discoloration, or looking for tips to prevent or handle melasma, you’re in the right place. We’re here to guide you towards smoother, more consistent skin.


Key Takeaways

  • Melasma is less common in men but can significantly impact their quality of life.
  • Factors contributing to melasma in men include sun exposure, hormonal influences, genetic predisposition, aging, and use of medications or cosmetics.
  • The malar clinical pattern for melasma is more common in men, while the centrofacial pattern is more prevalent in women.
  • Comprehensive evaluation, including Wood’s lamp examination and histopathological assessment, is crucial for accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment.
  • A multimodal approach, combining topical therapies, oral medications, and procedural treatments, is often necessary to effectively manage melasma in men.

Introduction to Melasma

Melasma is a common skin issue that makes the skin show brown patches. These patches are mostly found on the face and are affected by sunlight. It is often seen in women who can have children and those with darker skin. These individuals live in places with lots of sunlight.2

Definition and Overview

This skin condition causes brown or gray-brown patches to form on the face. It is a big concern for many people because it changes how they look. This can lower their confidence.

Prevalence in Different Populations

We don’t really know how many people have melasma since many don’t report it. This is because they often try to treat it themselves. They may not see a doctor.2 Melasma is seen more in those with darker skin. People in places with lots of sun, like Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans, are more likely to get it than Caucasians.23

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Between 1.5% to 33% of people worldwide have melasma.3 It’s more common in women, but men can get it too. About 10% of melasma cases are in men.3

Causes of Melasma in Men

Many things can lead to melasma in men. These include the sun, hormones, and family genes.4 Other causes are makeup, some medicines, certain foods, and sicknesses. Stress can also play a part. It’s a mix of outside factors and personal genetics.

Sun Exposure

Being in the sun too much can cause dark spots in men. This happens because the sun makes cells that give color to your skin work more.

Genetic and Familial Factors

Having family members with melasma can mean you’re at risk too.4 Lots of men with dark spots have relatives who also have them.

Hormonal Influences

Low levels of certain hormones might also lead to melasma.5 This is seen in some men with dark patches on their skin.

Medications and Cosmetic Products

Using some drugs or beauty products might increase melasma risk in men.

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Underlying Medical Conditions

Health issues can sometimes relate to melasma. Men with certain medical problems might get melasma more often.

Etiological Factor Significance in Men vs. Women
Sun Exposure More men than women find sun to worsen their melasma (48.8% men, 23.9% women).4
Family History 10-70% of people in studies linked melasma to family genes.4 If you have family with melasma, you’re more likely to get it too (86.7% in affected families, 40% in unaffected families).5
Testosterone Levels In men with melasma, the testosterone amount was lower than in others.5 Men with more than 8.92 nmol/L had almost 7 times more risk of getting melasma.5

Clinical Presentation and Symptoms

Melasma shows as irregular, light to dark brown patches on areas exposed to the sun, mainly the face.6 You might see different types, like centrofacial, malar, and mandibular melasma.6 Wood’s lamp helps check the kind of melasma by looking at the light it reflects.6 It tells apart epidermal, mixed, and dermal melasma types. Doctors might also look at the skin under a microscope to understand how deep the pigmentation is and the melasma type.

Appearance and Distribution

Melasma is usually darker than the rest of the skin. It often comes in shades of brown.6 You can find it on parts of the face like the cheeks, chin, and nose, and sometimes on the neck, jawline, and arms too.6 These patches might grow large and merge, forming big areas on your skin.6 They can be more obvious in places like the jawline, especially if you’ve had a lot of sun exposure there.6

Types of Melasma

Wood’s lamp lets doctors know what type of melasma you have by the way the skin reflects light.6 This device shows if it’s epidermal, mixed, or dermal melasma. Looking at skin cells under a microscope can give even more details about the pigmentation depth and melasma type.

Melasma in Males: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Melasma appears in men less often than in women. Yet, it can greatly affect the life of male patients.1 It’s caused much like in women: sun exposure, genetic factors,415 hormonal changes,15 meds, and certain medical issues play a part.1

In men, melasma can show up differently than in women. It might be more common to see patterns on the cheeks and jaw.4 To diagnose melasma in men, doctors check the skin closely, even using a special light and sometimes looking at skin samples under a microscope.

For treating melasma in men, there are several options. These include creams, pills, and methods done in the doctor’s office. The treatment chosen depends on what’s best for the individual and what they prefer.

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Diagnosis of Melasma

The diagnosis of melasma starts with a detailed look into your health and skin. Doctors will ask you about your past and check you physically. This is done to understand the condition better. The frequency of melasma changes from place to place. For instance, it affects 1.8% of the people in Ethiopia and 8.2% in the United States. It’s more common among those of Hispanic, Asian, or African American descent than Caucasians. In China, melasma impacts 13.61% of the population. In Nepal, it’s around 6.8%.4

Wood’s Lamp Examination

By using a Wood’s lamp, doctors can see the different types of melasma. They can tell if the pigmentation is more on the top layer, in the middle, or deeper. This test gives them clues on how to treat it best for each person.

Histopathological Evaluation

If needed, a histopathological evaluation may be done. This test looks at skin samples under a microscope. It helps identify the type and how serious the melasma is. It’s especially helpful when the signs are not clear or if treatments don’t work well.

These steps, along with a careful check-up, help doctors choose the best way to treat melasma for each patient.4

Treatment Options for Melasma in Men

Treating melasma in men is complex but effective with the right steps. It’s crucial to target what’s causing it.7

Topical Treatments

Starting with topical treatments is common. These include hydroquinone, azelaic acid, and retinoids. They work to block melanin production and brighten the skin.7 These treatments are especially good for the malar pattern seen in males.7

Oral Medications

Adding oral medications like tranexamic acid and antioxidants can help. They aim to fix melasma’s root causes, like hormones and genes.4 But, using oral drugs needs careful thought and personalized planning.

Procedural Treatments

For some men, procedures might be an option. This can include chemical peels, lasers, and intense pulsed light. These techniques disrupt melanin under the skin, improving its look.

However, darker skin might react badly to such treatments. It could lead to more pigmentation. So, caution is needed.7

Choosing the right treatment for each male patient’s melasma is key. It should match what works best for them and how they react to it.7

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Prevention and Management Strategies

Preventing and managing melasma in men takes a wide approach. It focuses on known risk factors and lessening things that make it worse.4

Sun Protection

It’s important to protect yourself from the sun. This means using broad-spectrum sunscreens, wearing protective clothes, and avoiding too much sun.4 Melasma happens more in people with dark skin, like Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans, in sunny places.4

Lifestyle Modifications

Changes in life can help manage melasma. This includes managing stress, changing your diet, and avoiding certain drugs and makeup.8 Vitamins, like D, are important for the skin. Taking a 2,000 IU supplement daily might be a good idea.8

Follow-up and Monitoring

Seeing a dermatologist regularly is key. They’ll check how well the treatment works, handle any new issues, and adjust the plan as needed.8 When treating melasma in men, doctors should listen to what they want. Their needs might be different from women’s.9

Psychological Impact and Quality of Life

Melasma greatly affects how people feel about themselves10. Both men and women can feel self-conscious and anxious because of the skin discoloration11. It might make them avoid activities where the spots might show11. Helping patients cope emotionally is as important as treating the skin itself11.

Studies show that melasma lowers the quality of life for those with it10. People in North India often feel depressed and anxious because of their skin condition10. In Brazil, women with melasma often have low self-esteem10. It’s clear that melasma affects not just the skin, but also how people feel about themselves10.

Creating tests in local languages helps assess the impact of melasma better10. For example, in India, a Hindi test was beneficial10. In Brazil, a Portuguese test led to better quality of life after treatment10. These efforts show how crucial it is to understand the emotional effects of melasma10.

Treating melasma well can greatly improve someone’s life, as shown in a trial10. Using makeup as part of treatment is also very helpful, highlighting the importance of complete care10. Doctors should approach melasma’s treatment in a holistic way, supporting patients in every aspect11.

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Melasma in Pregnancy and Postpartum

Melasma is commonly seen in women but can also show up during pregnancy and after giving birth.2 Pregnancy’s hormonal changes can make melasma worse.2 It’s crucial to pick treatments safe for use during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

After giving birth, melasma can get better or even disappear, with hormones going back to normal.8 But, some women keep dealing with melasma even after the baby is born, needing further care.8

Melasma in Pregnancy Melasma Postpartum
Melasma is present in215% to 50% of pregnant patients.Hormones changing during pregnancy might make melasma worse.2Choosing safe, effective treatments for melasma during pregnancy and breastfeeding is key.8 Melasma usually fades by three months after pregnancy ends.8Yet, some women might still have melasma after giving birth.8They might need to keep managing it.8

Cultural and Ethnic Considerations

Melasma affects people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds in varying ways. It’s found more often in those with darker skin, like Hispanics, Asians, and African Americans, than in Caucasians.12 This difference is probably due to genetics, hormones, and exposure to the sun.13 So, doctors need to consider these differences when helping people with melasma.

In Saudi Arabia, a study showed that melasma was part of common skin issues.12 And in the USA, a look at Arab Americans’ skin health found concerns with melasma, too.12 Another study in Texas showed that 143 out of 437 premenopausal Latino women had melasma.12 Doctors must think about these cultural and ethnic factors when treating male melasma patients.

Emerging Therapies and Future Directions

Current treatments like topical creams, pills, and some procedures help with melasma to different extents. But, experts are still looking for new ways to make the results better for people. They’re studying new topical products, like soy, tranexamic acid, and vitamin C. They’re also considering using light treatments and mixes of different therapies to fight melasma.14 Understanding the genetic and molecular sides of melasma might help design more personal and successful treatments in the future.15

Studies in the treatment of melasma are moving forward. This gives hope to doctors and patients for better ways to manage it, leading to a better life for those dealing with this condition.16

Emerging Melasma Therapies Potential Outcomes
Novel topical agents (soy extracts, tranexamic acid, vitamin C derivatives) Improved melanogenesis inhibition and skin lightening effects
Combination therapies Synergistic effects for enhanced treatment efficacy
Targeted light-based treatments Selective targeting of melanin production and pigmentation
Personalized treatment approaches Tailored to individual genetic and molecular profiles

The field of melasma treatment is always growing. Both patients and doctors can look forward to more efficient and customized approaches to help manage this skin issue.141615


Melasma affects both sexes, with more women facing it. The condition’s causes and how it looks are alike in men and women. Yet, there are differences in risks, signs, and treatments.4

Doctors need to know these differences to treat male melasma right. They should check men fully, use tests well, and treat in many ways. This includes dealing with both causes and how it makes people feel.7

Progress in treating male melasma is happening. New and focused treatments show hope. They could make life better for those with melasma.17 Knowing about melasma in men and creating treatments just for them is key. It can make a big difference in caring for men with this condition.

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What is melasma and how common is it in men?

Melasma is a common skin condition with brown patches on the face. It happens more in women. Men can also get it, but it’s not as common.

What are the main causes of melasma in men?

Men get melasma from the sun, their genes, hormones, some drugs, and skin products. Certain health issues can also cause it.

How does the clinical presentation of melasma differ in men compared to women?

Unlike women, men might mainly get dark patches on their cheeks and jawline.

How is melasma in men diagnosed?

Doctors diagnose melasma by looking at skin, asking about lifestyle, and medical history. They might use special lights or check a skin sample under a microscope.

What are the treatment options for melasma in men?

Melasma treatments include creams, pills, or in-office procedures. Doctors will choose what’s best for each man, based on many factors.

How can melasma in men be prevented and managed?

Men can avoid melasma by protecting their skin from the sun and taking care of themselves. It’s also important to see a skin doctor regularly.

How does melasma affect the quality of life in men?

Melasma can make men feel bad about their looks and be less confident. It might make them worry in social situations.

Are there any special considerations for melasma in men during pregnancy and postpartum?

Melasma can also happen to men when their partners are pregnant or after the baby. In these times, men need safe treatments while being aware of the effects on pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Are there any cultural or ethnic differences in the prevalence and presentation of melasma in men?

People with darker skin are more likely to get melasma. Doctors should consider these differences when treating men with melasma.

What are the emerging therapies and future directions for the treatment of melasma in men?

New treatments for melasma are being researched. These include different creams, combined treatments, and lasers. These new approaches might be more personal and work better in the future.

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