Is Hard Water Bad For Psoriasis? Unlocking the Connection

Psoriasis can be really tough to deal with. It affects not just your body but also how you feel. Many people with psoriasis struggle to find the right treatment. They also feel self-conscious and find it hard to manage the patches that come with flare-ups. Surprisingly, the water you use at home might make your psoriasis symptoms worse.

Hard water and psoriasis have a deeper link than we think. This article will help you understand how the minerals in hard water can harm your skin. We’ll also look into ways to lessen hard water’s effect on managing psoriasis.

You’re not alone in dealing with psoriasis and its challenges. We’re going to explore how hard water and psoriasis are connected. Then, we’ll find ways to make your skin healthier, more comfortable, and boost your confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Hard water, defined as water with a mineral content above 3.5 grains per gallon (gpg), can have a significant impact on skin health and exacerbate conditions like psoriasis.
  • The high levels of minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, in hard water can disrupt the skin’s natural pH balance and barrier function, leading to dryness, irritation, and inflammation.
  • Psoriasis, a chronic autoimmune skin condition, can be triggered and worsened by the effects of hard water, causing flare-ups and worsening of symptoms.
  • Identifying hard water issues in your home and implementing water softening solutions can be an effective strategy in managing psoriasis and improving overall skin health.
  • Incorporating personalized skincare routines, seeking dermatologist recommendations, and adopting a comprehensive approach to psoriasis management are crucial for long-term relief.

Understanding Hard Water and Its Effects

It’s important to know about hard water and its effects on your daily life. Hard water has a high mineral content, mainly calcium and magnesium. This can cause many problems, from dry skin and damaged hair to clogging pipes and appliances with mineral deposits. Knowing about hard water and its effects is especially important for those with skin conditions.

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What Is Hard Water?

Hard water is water with high calcium carbonate levels, measured in different ways. According to the USGS, water falls into these categories:

  • Soft: 0 to 60 mg/L (0 to 3.5 gpg)
  • Moderately hard: 61 to 120 mg/L (3.6 to 7.0 gpg)
  • Hard: 121 to 180 mg/L (7.1 to 10.5 gpg)
  • Very hard: 180+ mg/L (10.6+ gpg)

Amazingly, about 85% of water in the US is hard. Places like Indianapolis, Las Vegas, and Phoenix usually have very hard water. Only 15% of the US naturally enjoys soft water. It’s found more in the Pacific Northwest, Southeast, Gulf States, and New England.

Mineral Content in Hard Water

Hard water’s main minerals, calcium and magnesium, affect your skin and hair. They can cause dry skin, irritations, and hair problems. Plus, they leave behind residue on items like dishes, clothes, and faucets.

Signs of Hard Water in Your Home

Knowing the signs of hard water in your house is useful. Common clues include:

  • Residue or white film on dishes, glassware, and shower doors
  • Difficulty getting soap and shampoo to lather
  • Clogged showerheads and faucets from minerals
  • Stiff, scratchy clothes after washing
  • Dry, brittle, or hard-to-manage hair
  • Dry, itchy skin or more skin problems

Watching for these signs can tell you if you have hard water. It helps you look for solutions, especially if you’re dealing with skin issues.

The Impact of Hard Water on Skin Health

Hard water is full of minerals that can greatly affect your skin. The minerals, like calcium and magnesium, mess with your skin’s protective layer. This can make issues like psoriasis and eczema worse.

Hard Water and Dry Skin

Hard water tends to wash away your skin’s natural oils. This often leads to dryness and irritation. These minerals also stop your skin from staying moisturized, making it feel tight and rough. People with delicate skin or existing skin problems can see their symptoms get worse because of this.

Mineral Buildup and Skin Irritation

The minerals in water can leave a sticky layer on your skin. This layer grabs onto dirt and bacteria, causing clogged pores and more skin problems. For people with psoriasis or other inflammatory skin issues, this can mean more redness and discomfort.

Grasping how hard water affects skin lets us protect our skin better. By knowing this, we can live a better life and handle conditions like psoriasis better.

Click here to discover innovative ways to combat psoriasis.

Hard Water and Psoriasis: Exploring the Connection

Psoriasis is a skin condition affecting millions around the world. It’s an autoimmune disorder that makes skin cells grow too fast. This leads to red, scaly patches that are not only uncomfortable but also unpleasant to look at. While we don’t know everything about what causes psoriasis, we do know some things that can make it worse, like hard water.

Psoriasis: An Overview of the Condition

Psoriasis comes in different types, with plaque psoriasis being the most common. People with psoriasis may suddenly get red, inflamed patches that itch and hurt. This condition is thought to be caused by a mix of genes, stress, infections, and how you live.

How Hard Water Exacerbates Psoriasis Symptoms

Hard water makes psoriasis worse because of its mineral content. This includes minerals like calcium and magnesium. These minerals mess with the skin’s natural pH balance, making it more irritated and worsening psoriasis symptoms.

The minerals in hard water can also leave a residue on the skin. This residue can irritate psoriasis patches, making them harder to heal. It’s like a cycle of irritation and discomfort for those with psoriasis.

Hard water worsening psoriasis isn’t just a guess. There’s solid scientific evidence supporting this idea. Living in areas with lots of hard water means you might face more severe psoriasis symptoms. So, it’s key to deal with hard water if you’re managing psoriasis.

Is Hard Water Bad For Psoriasis? Unlocking the Connection

It’s important to look at how hard water affects psoriasis. We need to know how outside elements influence this serious skin issue. The rich minerals in hard water can really tip the balance, making psoriasis worse.

So, what is hard water exactly? It’s water with lots of minerals, measured in grains per gallon. When this mineral level goes over 3.5 gpg, it’s hard. Too many minerals can mess with the skin’s pH balance, causing it to be dry, irritated, and inflamed – not good if you have psoriasis.

Hard water’s minerals don’t stop on the surface. They go inside, block pores, and stop the skin’s natural oils from doing their job. This causes the skin to lose moisture and can make psoriasis even worse.

When it comes to the scalp, hard water isn’t any friendlier. It can make the scalp dry, itchy, and inflamed, which are also signs of psoriasis. The minerals in the water get in the way of the scalp’s oil production, which isn’t great news for anyone trying to keep their psoriasis under control.

Learning about the link between hard water and psoriasis is key. It helps people make smart choices to beat this skin condition. The rest of this guide will cover how to lessen hard water‘s effect on psoriasis. Stick around for more tips!

Click here to follow this step-by-step plan for psoriasis relief.

Identifying Hard Water Issues in Your Home

Spotting hard water in your house is key to fighting off its effects on your skin and hair. Once you know the signs, you can stop its impact and keep your skin and hair looking great.

Signs of Hard Water on Hair and Skin

Hard water’s effects show most on your hair and skin. If your hair feels dry or has a rough texture, or if color fades fast, it might be hard water. It can also make your skin dry, itchy, and hard to clean.

Moreover, hard water can make soap scum in your bathroom. Look for scum on faucets, tiles, and shower doors. It shows there’s a lot of minerals in your water.

Testing for Water Hardness

To find out if your water is hard, you can test it at home or ask a pro to check. These tests see how much calcium and magnesium is in your water. This shows how hard your water is.

The U.S. Geological Survey says water is hard if it’s over 3.5 grains per gallon. Testing can tell you if your water is soft, moderately hard, hard, or very hard. This is based on the amount of mineral in it.

Knowing your water’s hardness is very important. It helps you find the right way to soften your water. This keeps your skin and hair safe from hard water damage.

Mitigating the Effects of Hard Water on Psoriasis

If you live where the water is hard, dealing with this promptly is important. Hard water’s mineral content can make psoriasis symptoms worse. But don’t worry, there are many ways to lessen hard water’s effects on your skin. This can help you manage psoriasis better.

Water Softening Systems

A reliable water softening system is a great step. It works by taking out extra minerals like calcium and magnesium. This reduces mineral content and balances pH. So, lessening the drying effects of hard water helps avoid psoriasis flare-ups.

Skincare Routines for Hard Water Areas

Besides a water softener, you can enhance your skincare. Use gentle, pH-balanced cleansers and moisturizers. These products hydrate and soothe the skin without adding to psoriasis problems.

Using emollient-rich products and bathing in lukewarm water also helps. They keep your skin’s barrier healthy and reduce irritation.

Dermatologist Recommendations

Seeing a dermatologist is a wise choice for full psoriasis care with hard water. They offer tailored advice on different treatments. This might include topical medications, phototherapy, or other options. They can also recommend how to best use water softeners and skincare to improve your skin’s health.

With a comprehensive approach, you can reduce hard water’s impacts. This leads to better skin and a higher quality of life.

Click here to learn how to manage and eliminate psoriasis naturally.

Psoriasis Management Strategies

Dealing with psoriasis means using different methods to manage its symptoms and causes. Lifestyle changes, topical treatments, and phototherapy are key. By adding these into your daily life, you can help control your psoriasis and improve your skin.

Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle changes can help a lot when dealing with psoriasis. Eating well, keeping stress low, and staying active are very important. Foods that fight inflammation, like those with omega-3, can be good for your skin. Also, yoga and meditation can help reduce stress, which can make your psoriasis worse.

Topical Treatments

Using creams and ointments is vital in controlling psoriasis. Moisturizers, creams with vitamin D, and steroids can treat dryness, scaling, and redness. Always talk to a dermatologist before trying something new to make sure it’s right for you.


Light therapy, or phototherapy, is a big part of managing psoriasis. Controlled UV light slows down the growth of skin cells and cuts down redness and scaling. This treatment is often used along with other methods for better results.

Choosing the Right Water Solution for Your Home

With hard water impacting skin health, especially with skin conditions like psoriasis, choosing the right water softening solution is key. You need to look at various softeners and remember installation and upkeep are crucial. This ensures they work well in tackling hard water problems long-term.

Evaluating Water Softener Options

Many water softening systems exist, each with unique features and capabilities. The best one for you depends on your water hardness levels, how much water your family uses, and your budget. Ion exchange, salt-free, and reverse osmosis softeners are common, offering different benefits and drawbacks.

Ion exchange softeners remove mineral content in water by swapping calcium and magnesium with sodium or potassium. Salt-free systems condition water but keep minerals, which is good if you want to retain them. Reverse osmosis provides the cleanest water but is costly and needs regular care.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations

Choosing the right water softening system also means looking at how it is put in and needs to be maintained. A professional install is vital for a system that works well. Then, keeping up with maintenance, like changing salts or filters, is key for its performance.

Buying a quality water softener and ensuring it’s installed and maintained well is wise. It not only eases hard water’s effects on your skin and home but also helps your plumbing and appliances last longer.


We’ve looked at the link between hard water and psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin condition. We’ve seen how hard water’s minerals and unbalanced pH can make psoriasis worse.

Dealing with hard water at home is key for anyone with psoriasis. Test your water. Use softening methods. Also, customize how you care for your skin. This can reduce hard water’s bad effects.

You should also try other ways to handle psoriasis. Change your lifestyle. Use creams and get light therapy. These can all better the health of your skin. And your life quality can improve as well.

To manage psoriasis, you need a full plan. Hard water is just one part of it. Work with health experts. This way, you can discover what works best for you. Keeping psoriasis in check with the right steps is empowering.

Click here to get the results you deserve with this comprehensive guide.


What is hard water and how does it affect the skin?

Hard water has lots of minerals like calcium and magnesium. It can mess with our skin’s natural shield. This can make skin dry, red, and itchy. It might also make problems like eczema and psoriasis worse.

How can hard water impact psoriasis symptoms?

Hard water’s minerals and unbalanced pH might make psoriasis symptoms more severe. The extra minerals can dry out your skin, cause more redness, and make flare-ups happen more often. This makes dealing with psoriasis tougher.

How can I identify if I have hard water in my home?

If you see white streaks on dishes, struggle with laundry, or have showerhead blockages, it might be hard water. To be sure, you can use a test kit at home or get a pro to check your water hardness.

What are the best solutions for addressing hard water issues in relation to psoriasis?

Putting in a water softener can take out the minerals in hard water. This can lessen the hard water’s negative impact on your skin. It’s also key to use soft, moisturizing skincare and follow what your dermatologist says.

What other strategies can help manage psoriasis beyond addressing hard water?

For psoriasis, you can try making changes like eating healthier, using special creams, and getting more sunlight with phototherapy. Combining these with fixing hard water can really help ease psoriasis symptoms.

Click here for proven methods to help you manage psoriasis.

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